Wednesday, October 19, 2011

A long Time Coming

If I could take the time to count out how many things I have been "meaning to do" it would be nuts. If I could then count out how many times I have wanted to start writing a blog, it would again take forever as well as be nuts.
I think that I have put off starting this process of "blogging" for two main reasons. The first being there are a lot of really good writers out there, and then to make it more intimidating there are good writers who have great blogs. Not only are their blogs well written but they look nice too.
Secondly I never know how to begin something like this. You know the first page of something like a journal, or when I was little my diary. If you flip through some of my old diaries...yes I kept a will find the first page of each new diary begins with me explaining who I am to myself, as if I the reader and writer, don't remember who I am, or how many brothers and sisters and pets I have.
I highly suggest if you kept any sort of journal or diary when you were younger that you go back and re-read especially on a bad day, I can almost guarantee, you'll get a good laugh. I also did not want to be that blogger who rambled on about pointless childhood memories...looks like Im off to a good start.
Anyway, I feel like the first post on any blog should be grabbing, kind of like a hook in a rap song, something to make readers continue reading and maybe even laugh a little. So with that in mind, I didn't even know where to begin the first post.
All I know is that on my life journey, I have been blessed enough to have discovered the gift of redemption, and I have been inspired to tell the world (or my only follower mom) about how this word has made itself a lifestyle in me. Ready, Set, Go!

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